Выставка "Дом На Большой Садовой" 26 марта 2015 г. |
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При поддержке Фонда Петра Кончаловского в Музее М.А. Булгакова открылась выставка «Дом на Большой Садовой», посвященная более чем вековой истории дома Пигита и его жильцов — знаменитых и не очень, художников и самогонщиков, пролетариев, врачей, писателей и инженеров. Сто одиннадцать лет, 53 квартиры, десятки семей и судеб, связанных с одним домом — все они впервые стали героями музейной экспозиции. Это первый известный нам опыт подобной выставки-исследования в Москве.
Дом, где Михаил Булгаков написал «Белую гвардию», где Сергей Есенин познакомился с Айседорой Дункан. Дом, где Петр Кончаловский написал «Семейный портрет» и десятки других полотен. Куда в гости к Георгию Якулову, в «караван-сарай монпарнасского типа», в который превратилась его мастерская, приходили Маяковский и Таиров, Мариенгоф и Луначарский.

Konchalovsky’s Family Portrait of 1917 |
November 20, 2013
Private collector bought the Pyotr Konchalovsky painting "Family Portrait" before the Sotheby's auction which will be held next week. Collector bought the painting for about 8 million dollars.
"Interest to two paintings before the auction has grown into an unprecedented deal that demonstrates the increased interest in masterpieces of Russian art. New assessment criteria have been established for creativity Pyotr Konchalovsky and Robert Falk - well-known at home and less well-known outside of Russia. Yet now they are re-opened to the public thanks to amazing results "- said the Head of Sotheby's Russian Department , Jo Vickery.

On November 25-27, 2011 the first Annual international forum Art & Reality was held by Petr Konchalovsky Foundation in St.-Petersburg. This year's event was devoted to Art Criticism. You may find the detailed info on the event, including photo and video materials at the official website of the Forum

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" publishing house with the support of Petr Konchalovsky Foundation has prepared the release of the volume "Petr Konchalovsky" in its "Great Artists" series. The text for the album is written by the Coordinator of academic and educational projects of the Foundation, Professor Nina Getashvili. Since June, 8 the album are available in Russia at all newsstands of "Soyuzpechat"

Vladimir Putin visits the exhibition |
Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin visited Petr Konchalovsky exhibition on November, 17th invited by the Foundation’s board – film directors Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. The prime minister was shown around the exhibition also by Tretyakov Gallery director Irina Lebedeva and Alexander Konov, director of the Petr Konchalovsky Foundation.
Putin especially liked the paintings “Floor Polisher” (1946), “Family Portrait” (1917) and “Belkino. Birch Trees” (1907). He said about the latter: “A beautiful painting. You actually become immersed in it”.
The pictures from the event are avaliable here.

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